New Year’s Eve often entails jubilation and delicious feasts. Embracing the transition with a healthy lifestyle can be a smart choice. An ideal pick to ring in the New Year is trying out the tempting recipe for vegan pineapple cookies. Crafted from natural ingredients, these vegan treats perfectly fit as a special snack for a New Year’s Eve filled with ...
Cromboloni, a cake currently dominating various social media platforms, has garnered unexpected enthusiasm from culinary enthusiasts. From TikTok to Twitter, and even Instagram, we’re frequently bombarded with intriguing reviews and descriptions of this cake. But, what exactly is cromboloni? Visually, cromboloni is a type of cake or pastry topped with various toppings. It’s round with an outer texture resembling the ...
Have you discovered a restaurant-style chicken dim sum recipe? Chef Devina Hermawan’s chicken dim sum with chili oil will have you addicted to making your own dim sum at home. With commonly available raw ingredients, it is possible to make chicken dim sum at home. While being cooked you can taste the beef, but it is also quite springy. So ...
This Balinese Milk Pie recipe is a step-by-step process for milk pie using a Teflon pan instead of an oven with a spoon. Thus, this technique can produce a crispy milk pie dish with a simple appearance, but still delicious. The Pie Susu recipe itself comes from Bali with a crunchy texture. Generally, this cake is a dessert consisting of pastries stuffed with sweetened condensed milk ...
Starting from the viral Japanese Milk Bread This milk bread recipe is currently being hit or viral in Instagram. Many have also tried it. It’s really soft results. Starting from a Japanese milk bread recipe , I tried to make my own fluffy, soft Japanese torn bread at home. Moreover, every time there is a baker around the children ask ...